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How to apply for National Student Exchange

There are several very important and time-sensitive steps to applying for the National Student Exchange program, be sure to read the materials carefully.

Interested students must attend an NSE Information Meeting.

Thursday February 1 3:30 pm Centennial 1916
Tuesday February 6 2:00 pm Centennial 2924

There are nearly 180 schools ready to welcome you for the Fall 2024 and/or the Spring 2025 semester. 

The application process, requirements, and timelines for participating in the 2024-2025 exchange will be explained.  We encourage you to learn more about this unique exchange program by seeing

The NSE Promotion Team offers virtual NSE Info Sessions. The basics of NSE (tuition, financial aid, course options, housing, and research tips) will be discussed as well as answer any questions that you may have.  This is a great opportunity to learn more about NSE and get advice on where to go on your NSE adventure.  All you need is a computer or phone with audio.  Zoom registration requires a .edu email address; please register with your campus-based email address.  NSE General Information

Another option is to direct your interest/questions directly to the NSE coordinator at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 by emailing

Contact the Dean of Students Office for more information: 715-836-2003 or

Completed NSE Applications Include:

  • A non-refundable application fee.
  • A completed NSE application, indicating reasons for your campus selection and why an NSE adventure is for you.
  • Reference from your Academic Advisor.
  • A completed Budget/Resource sheet.
  • An interview with the NSE coordinator and another UW-Eau Claire Faculty or staff member.

Selection Procedures

  • Completed application materials are submitted to the NSE Coordinator on or before the application deadline.  
  • Direct Placements are made throughout the year.  However, the majority of placements are made in March of each year.  Placements are governed by the fee plan for exchange, the popularity of certain exchange opportunities, and limitations on the number of students some institutions may send and receive.

Among the selection criteria will be evidence of flexibility and the ability to adapt to short-term relocation, indicators of clear-cut academic and personal goals, and the ability to act as a good representative of UW-Eau Claire and Wisconsin.

NSE student in California at the beach

Campus selection

Nearly 180 campuses across the U.S., Guam, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico participate in the National Student Exchange program. Depending on what you plan to study, there can be many good matches for your academic and personal goals in the program.

Where to go . . .
 Miranda Jahnke - Colorado State University - Pueblo

National Student Exchange

If study abroad isn't right for you, maybe a different kind of travel education experience is just the ticket — check out the National Student Exchange, and study at one of the schools across the country. There are so many places you may never have been!

NSE details
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